This is my layout for the Scrap Whispers Challenge #2. The challenge was that you couldn't use any faces in your layout. The backs of people heads was okay, just no eyes, nose or lips. This was a lot of fun to do. It's not very often that I take any pictures without the front of someones face on them. These just turned out to be perfect for the challenge. This is my little boy spraying our truck with his water gun. He'd asked me if he could spray his basketball with the water gun, but I knew better than that. LOL My journaling strips read: "This is NOT what I call spraying your basketball with your water gun- October 2008" Thanks for looking. :)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Scrap Whispers Challenge #2
Posted by Julie E. at 8:38 AM 14 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Fun Day
It's been awhile since I've updated my blog. I guess there's not been too much going on to talk about. The weather has been absolutely beautiful here, so I wanted to do something with the kid's yesterday. We went to the park for awhile with my friend Meg and then we went to a local Pumpkin Patch here in town. It's just a little bitty place that has games and a few fun things for the kid's to do. All of the pumpkins are already picked and set out ready to buy. The kid's had a great time.
Posted by Julie E. at 7:18 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Happy Birthday To Me.... yada yada yada
Happy Birthday to Me!!
Posted by Julie E. at 4:08 PM 8 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
At the Orchard in Speer, IL
I'm finally getting around to updating my blog from when we visited my family last weekend up in Illinois. Sorry to my brother's that I know stalk my blog for not posting sooner. :) Love you guy's!! It was a great weekend. I miss my family so much!! This was a pretty cool place. We had a lot of fun. Here's a few pic's to share.
Neither kid was thrilled about taking pics on the pumpkin's.
This billy goat bridge was the funniest thing. These goats go from one side to the other while people use a manual conveyer belt to send food up to them in a little plastic cup. This particilar one took a liking to my dad.
My middle brother Dr. Don & I. I love you bro!!
My niece Hannah and her kitty Boo.
My nieces Hannah and Elizabeth.
My brother Dr. Don and sis-in-law Jenean. 19 year's of bliss!! LOL I love you sis!!
Love my fam!!
Posted by Julie E. at 8:38 AM 7 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Guess who I got to see today????
I FINALLY got to see my little guy Isaac today. He's getting so big!!! His hair is really thick and long in the back, but very light on the top and sides, too cute! He's standing up by himself for a few seconds, but not taking any steps yet. I found some of Bobby's baby clothes, and this is one of them. I never thought I'd have a grandbaby wearing them someday! LOL Avery took the pics, so that's why they're kind of crooked. :)
Posted by Julie E. at 2:15 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
My Garage Sale Finds
I finally got to go to a few garage sales this morning. I spent a whole $2.65, can't beat that now can you? I just loved this purse when I saw it, and who could resist it at 50 cents? What a bargain for the digital photography book- 10 cents!! The butterfly bookends are just adorable! The basket has butterflies on each side, and had some cute crafty things on the inside, including leather it.
Stopped by the kid's resale shop and found these cute black boots for Avery for a whole $3.00. She just loved them, and had to wear them immediately. They look kinda dirty in the pics, but they are like new!
When we were going out the door to leave, I heard Avery scream. I asked her what was the matter and she told me there was this HUMONGOUS spider making a web in the back of our truck. I of course had to grab my camera and go out and look. Well, not only was it discustingly ugly, it was actually "picking up" it's web. I've never seen a spider do that in my life. It was fast too! It balled it all up and then went inside the hole where the rollbar is on the truck. EWWW!!!!! Anybody that knows me knows that I'm deathly afraid of spider's, so it took a lot in me to even look at it through the lens! LOL
Posted by Julie E. at 6:52 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day at the park
Just a few pics I took yesterday at the park. It was the most beautiful day outside. I can't believe summer is almost over! It has been a very mild summer here. Only a few day's that were in the 90's and a couple that hit 100, but that's nothing compared to normal. I hope it's no indication of what our winter is going to be like this year.
Posted by Julie E. at 5:47 AM 3 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Highway Gardens
I decided to take the kid's over to the Highway Gardens so they could run around and get some of that energy out. After being sick for almost a week with the flu, they each needed some fresh air. There's not a whole lot to look at, but it sure is pretty. This is in the State Fair grounds, and only a couple blocks from our house. It's usually closed (not sure why) but today is was finally open.
Here's some pics...
The kids were so excited to see the fish and this cute little frog sitting there. Avery tried to catch it, but it jumped in the water. She would've screamed her head off if it would've even jumped close to her, so I don't know what she was thinking about trying to catch it! LOL
Posted by Julie E. at 7:30 AM 5 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Isaac's 1st Birthday!!!
Here's the little birthday boy. He was so sad looking at first...bless his little heart. But, he did think his cake was pretty yummy!! He's such a cutie patootie!! Bobby had one of these little cars, and Isaac just loved it! Denessa found one and was so excited to get it for Isaac. He just loves the wheels! Umm, never mind's a habit!! ;)
Bobby and Grandpa
Grandma and Grandpa with the kids
Great Grandpa Miller with Isaac
Posted by Julie E. at 8:51 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Kansas City Royals Game
Well, we finally went to our very first professional baseball game. It's true that neither Ronnie nor I had ever been to one before. It was fun, but nothing like going to a Chief's game. It was 112 degrees on the field! We did get to see Ken Griffey Jr. play, so that was exciting. He didn't hit any homeruns, but that's okay. Besides, we were suppose to be rooting for the Royal's weren't we? LOL It was a fun experience, and I'm so glad we got to experience America's favorite pasttime. Although, for Ronnie, that would be golf...not baseball. :)
After walking through three parking lots in 100 degree weather, we realized we could've parked a lot closer! Unfortunately, the people directing the traffic must not have communicated very well! LOL
I loved it when they sang the national anthem and spread this beautiful flag out.
Ronnie took this pic of me when I wasn't expecting it at all. I don't think it turned out too bad, except I was sweating so much, my mascara was running and sticking to my eyelid. And below that one is Ken Griffey Jr. in the outfield and at bat.LOL
Posted by Julie E. at 7:52 PM 5 comments